combine zeal and courage with ambition and self-control. You can
accomplish much towards your goals through careful, hard work. Officials
and people in authority give you their support and you can deal
effectively with business and professional affairs now. You feel an
increased self-confidence and courage and may perform feats you never
before thought were possible. You can command the support of others and
advance your goals through leadership and generosity. You take pleasure
through physical activity, such as sports, games and dancing. Tonight
you may find a friend or relative to help you practice a new dance step
or some other talent you want to perfect. This can be a fun evening.

can be a strange, chaotic time when you may be tempted to avoid
responsibilities. Get some perspective here--this time will pass, but
you could make it worse with apathy. Your return to a more positive
outlook will depend on your perseverance and positive determination. As
things begin to improve, and they will, you will gain a focus. A
business deal this afternoon will require careful attention. Examine all
the contracts and make sure that you have followed all the steps that
are necessary in your line of business. Get outside and exercise or just
enjoy the landscape and the diversity of it all. After the workday is
over there will be plenty of opportunities to relax and enjoy the
company of friends or family in a no-responsibilities type of evening.

first thing you are greeted with this morning in the working world will
probably be the interesting challenges. Although you may complain a bit
when no one is around to hear you, you will most likely rub your hands
together and become excited about looking for a solution. You like
solving problems and superiors see this in you. If you do not want an
abundance of difficult cases to solve, you must ask for less of a
variety of work. You have an increased self-confidence to try new things
and you are inventive to pursue your goals for greater independence.
This is a favorable time for enterprises in the technology and
entertainment fields. It is also a good time to consider a job change or
a move. Humanitarian enterprises grab your attention.

have a confident, optimistic outlook today and others can see that you
are determined to tend to the business side of life. With only a few
interruptions, you are able to move along relatively well--making a
great deal of progress. Sales and legal matters are favored today. This
afternoon or during the noon break you may decide to purchase an
expensive item. This may be an item that will increase in value within a
short time. You may feel pressures to expand into a more affluent
lifestyle, but if you stop to think about the upkeep, you could
reconsider. Talking with friends this afternoon, you may change your
ideas or at least think about changing your thoughts regarding
religious, cultural or educational viewpoints. You may want to
reschedule travel plans.

begin constructive efforts for moral self-improvement today. This could
mean you change your response to the way particular people talk to you.
You seek the trust and confidence of others and must be prepared to
compete in business transactions. Others may find you deep, with a sense
of mission and mystery. This is a favorable time for study of life's
mysteries and deeper meanings. During this time, you may desire to
change your domestic conditions. You may want to maintain your own
living quarters or perhaps you will begin to redecorate or renovate your
home. Some family ties may end or a family member may travel.
Long-buried feelings from the past can be reexamined and released or
purged. New beginnings are positive and encouraged.

have a greater self-confidence and determination to succeed. As you
embark on new beginnings, you will end old conditions. Look at your
goals and dreams in order to leave behind unnecessary baggage as you
move ahead. You could find yourself engaged in nonconformist causes,
ready to promote what is independent and innovative. You like radical
approaches and find yourself in support of whatever product is new or
some nifty breakthrough advance is next in line. This can be a time of
leadership--you have the power to sway others in your group and initiate
reforms. As a collector of butterflies, herbs or potions for teas and
seasonings you might want to spend a little time with your hobby so that
you can build your supply for future use.

make it hard to concentrate on your usual work but the interruptions
are acceptable, although a little unusual. This could mean making room
for a new individual--extra work or a technical change. You may want
more freedom that is creative with regard to work, but those in control
tend to be unsympathetic. Soon you will see an increase in salary or job
identification, patience. You may fluctuate between conservative and
rebellious urges at this time. This afternoon you will find your friends
may be stimulating but they can also aggravate your career aspirations
with unrealistic ideals. You may have problems with groups or
organizations--perhaps in returning a purchase. Tonight, you could be
planning a fun social get-together.

is a great week for you to do a little overtime work. You feel
energetic and strong and can confidently take the initiative to bring
most matters to a quick resolution. A regular customer, friend or
neighbor complains constantly. It is not the complaints that need
fixing, as much as the need for communication and contact with others
for which he or she yearns. Find a friend for this complaining person
and you will have a happy customer, friend or neighbor. This afternoon
you could be feeling that there is still some sort of unfinished
business. This day has gone well and your energies stay strong. Take
some time to exercise by walking, bicycling or even swimming. Any
exercise that makes you move forward will help to balance and smooth out
any frustrations.

enjoy a full and successfully day. You are inclined to lean toward a
very busy and productive life style. This is a favorable time to
eliminate nonessentials and strengthen your security or work toward some
improvement. You have great concern for the future and are the first in
line to organize some charity program for the starving or the
handicapped or children without parents, etc. Today you may receive some
surprise call from people that will help you organize such a special
charity. This evening can be a favorable time for writing, serious
study, teaching, and catching up on correspondence. Communications and
travel related to career are beneficial and tend to go smoothly at this

in travel, law and education can put you in contact with a higher or
more professional class of people. You are apt to desire authority in
some field of cultural interest, or some set of principles. Professional
communications with superiors, government or other officials would be
good at this time. News or publicity can affect your status or position.
Your job responsibilities may require more efficiency or training. Your
imagination is energized. Activities can involve promotional campaigns,
music, storytelling or inspirational work. Now is a good time to keep
some moments for reflection. Visit museums, libraries, take a vacation
or in some way, get in touch with nature. If you are sensitive, do not
indulge in addictive products.
with professional people is stimulating this morning. There could be an
employee review that could lead to a raise soon. Talk of work
improvement and productivity will dominate the lunch hour. There could
be talk about your personal aims and goals for the future. You may want
greater freedom of self-expression at this time--unusual and new
experiences become available now. You can meet interesting, dynamic
people in creative or technological fields and can develop new
friendships. Your personal magnetism draws you to others. You may wish
to break from your usual routine and improve a skill or talent. With
your new self-awareness and resolve, you can assume a leadership role
among your colleagues.

optimistic attitude and self-respect open the door for professional
growth and social expansion. You seem to be in the right place at the
right time--all week long. You find the right answer, the right
equipment and the right people to solve, fix or provide the tools you
need to achieve. Good luck helps you progress toward your financial and
professional goals for now. Thinking things through, accounting for all
the details and making careful measurements is a natural for you and
keeps you active and involved. This time is favorable for travel,
learning, creative activities and romantic opportunities. Also, this
time is favorable for cultural, religious and legal matters. Generosity,
financial gain, hospitality and favors may be bestowed upon you.
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