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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Unique method of hunting.

Unique method of hunting

Photographer-animal painter Eric Cheng was in the midst of a flock of sardines, driven skillful predator – Atlantic sailing – which uses a unique method of hunting.

These photos can be seen high annual feeding with the fastest inhabitant of the ocean – the Atlantic sailboat and its extraction – Sardinia

unique method of hunting  Unique method of hunting

In these pictures, made in late January, shows the Atlantic sailboat, which uses its long nose to collect cannot sardines in a "ball of profit.

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This act was caught at a depth of 54 km off the coast of Isla Mueres on Mexico coast. Renowned photographer animalist 34-year old Eric Cheng from San Francisco had to calculate the time until a split second in time to photograph everything in detail.

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"It was not easy – says Eric. - Sardines and a sailboat move very quickly, and within seconds you can prove yourself in the thick of things – including sardines, seeking protection. "

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"Unfortunately, they often seek protection from the divers, that puts us in a difficult position. Our goal as photographers – swim up to a distance of two meters to Sardinia, which will be ideal for underwater photography.

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"Sometimes sailboat sweeps around the corner, shaking his long, sharp nose from side to side. It is always disturbing, but the contact between us has never been.

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"Sailing is floating around the" ball "that sardines were all together. One after another sailboat "pulls" sardine his long nose and then eats it. Sailing finishes his feast, but when there is neither a fish. "

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Frightened, pursued by mining gets together to try to confuse their abuser and take a number. However, at a distance of up to three feet to escape a predator, moving at a speed of 112 km / h, almost impossible.

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Chetan Bhatt

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