Wars, pollution, expansion of settlements and a large number of tourists threaten to destroy some of the most famous monuments of human civilization and natural beauty. These are some of them

The oldest parts of China's biggest attractions were built in the fifth century BC, but it is complete and solidify the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century AD. Today, almost two thirds of the wall, a long 6352 kilometers, destroyed by erosion, commercialism (one 500-year-old tower is set up kiosks with picama) and uncontrolled development.

Although it seems unlikely that an entire country goes down, that's what happens to the Maldives, which makes 12,000 islands with a variety of underwater world. Since more than 80 percent of the land is below one meter above sea level, the Maldives primarily threatens global sea level rise caused by global warming. Tsunami of 2004. already wiped out several small atolls, and the geographic map of the state had to be changed.

Temple of Luxor, which dates from the 14th century BC, is only part of a huge complex on the west bank of the Nile valley and covers the Kings, Valley of the Queens, more than 40 temples and tombs, where the buried several thousand members of the highest nobility. This treasure endanger not only tourists and thieves, but the Nile. Construction of the Aswan High Dam led to the accumulation of salt in the fertile soil around the temples, which have undermined their ancient foundations and flooded many tombs with water.

Almost from the moment of its in-habitation, 452nd The city sinks more than one centimeter per year. African tectonic plate on which Italy is slowly being thrust under the European plate and causes a rise in the level of the Adriatic Sea. Heavy machinery by pumping water below the city and huge waves that make up a large cargo and passenger ships even more worsen the situation and raise sea levels. Venice lacks the resources to take adequate measures to save.

Coral Triangle, famous for its rich underwater flora and fauna of the world, stretching from eastern Indonesia to Papua New Guinea, Philippines, enters the water, Malaysia and the Solomon Islands. There live more than 3,000 species of fish and 600 species of corals, namely 75 percent of species known to science. But this ecosystem is increasingly threatened by over-fishing, use of poisons and explosives to kill fish, thus permanently destroying their habitat. Some fish, such as grouper, are almost completely extinct. The increase in sea temperature leads to bleaching, that is to coral death.
hope i could ever visit such places. awesome places
hope i could ever visit such places. awesome places.beautiful
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