26ft statue of Marilyn Monroe is unveiled in the Windy City
That pose, that dress, the blonde hair, the luscious lips ...A 26-foot tall statue of Marilyn Monroe towering above tourists in the middle of Chicago was unveiled on Friday to much applause.Bemused shoppers stopped and stared, a boy tried to crawl up her leg and the men from a wedding party could not resist taking a few photos from all angles.Scroll down for videos

High and mighty: The curious gather around Seward Johnson's 26ft sculpture of Marilyn Monroe in Chicago
It will be on show through the Spring of 2012.The stainless steel and aluminium sculpture, which weighs a whopping 34,000lbs, has raised more than a few eyebrows.Not least because visitors to the plaza are at once confronted with Monroe's pert bottom in gleaming white panties and her perfect pins bedecked in white, open-toe kitten heels.
Men have been spotted gawping while their wives get cross and attempt to shield their eyes and lots of people have stopped to take a quick snap of the giantess before she goes public tomorrow.Not all are happy of course. Abraham Ritchie wrote on Art Chicago Blog the statue was a 'creepy schlock from a fifth-rate sculptor that blights a first-rate public art collection.'But the Zeller Realty Group, which owns the plaza and now its statue, wants Marilyn to make people think.
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