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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

26ft Statue Of Marilyn Monroe Unveiled in the Windy City

26ft statue of Marilyn Monroe is unveiled in the Windy City 

That pose, that dress, the blonde hair, the luscious lips ...
A 26-foot tall statue of Marilyn Monroe towering above tourists in the middle of Chicago was unveiled on Friday to much applause.Bemused shoppers stopped and stared, a boy tried to crawl up her leg and the men from a wedding party could not resist taking a few photos from all angles.Scroll down for videos
The statue, by artist Seward Johnson, replicates the actress's famous subway scene in 1955 film The Seven Year Itch and was unveiled on Chicago's Pioneer Court.In the scene Monroe stands over a subway grate as a breeze from a train passing below blows her skirt over her panties.It was shot in New York but as the Windy City, Chicago seems like the second best location for such an art work.
It will be on show through the Spring of 2012.The stainless steel and aluminium sculpture, which weighs a whopping 34,000lbs, has raised more than a few eyebrows.Not least because visitors to the plaza are at once confronted with Monroe's pert bottom in gleaming white panties and her perfect pins bedecked in white, open-toe kitten heels.

Men have been spotted gawping while their wives get cross and attempt to shield their eyes and lots of people have stopped to take a quick snap of the giantess before she goes public tomorrow.Not all are happy of course. Abraham Ritchie wrote on Art Chicago Blog the statue was a 'creepy schlock from a fifth-rate sculptor that blights a first-rate public art collection.'But the Zeller Realty Group, which owns the plaza and now its statue, wants Marilyn to make people think.

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